Bespoke Training Courses
We have been providing our clients with bespoke training for over 30 years
Bespoke Training
With City & Guilds, IAM and EAL accreditations, our name is well-respected in the market and is a trusted resource for companies wanting to up-skill their workforce. By conducting training in-house, you have the ability to train staff in an environment in which they feel comfortable. The course offer can be tailored to meet your exact requirements.
Our bespoke training is best suited to groups of up to 10 members of staff, and are only conducted by expert trainers and consultants in their field, ensuring your team gain the most knowledge out of each session.
The following are examples of bespoke maintenance and asset management related courses we have provided our customers:
On-Site Coaching
On-Site Coaching is an investment in the future of your company and your employees. Building skills and improving knowledge helps companies stay competitive and the immediate benefits of training are generally described in the course overview.
This coaching workshop is designed for new and improving coaches and anyone who trains or instructs individuals in the workplace.
On-Site Coaching offers a number of valuable benefits. Very often the best people to train others in company-specific tasks are those that are already doing the job. Instead of relying on one individual to go through a lengthy training process, you can build a team of instructors so your training initiatives can be accomplished in a shorter amount of time. At the same time, you’re giving your coaches tools concerning not only what to teach, but how to teach.
Train the Trainer
Building skills and improving knowledge helps companies stay competitive. Very often the best people to train others in company-specific tasks are those that are already doing the job. Instead of relying on one individual to go through a lengthy training process, you can build a team of instructors so your training initiatives can be accomplished in a shorter amount of time. At the same time, you’re giving your trainers tools concerning not only what to teach, but how to teach.
MCP’s Train the Trainer course is designed for new and improving trainers and anyone who trains or instructs others in the workplace.
Health & Safety
The Health and Safety for Maintenance Engineers course is based around the development to equip technicians and engineers with the necessary skills and knowledge to enable them to carry out their maintenance and installation duties safely. The skills taught are to:
Apply the principles of risk assessment within the safety management system and decide on appropriate control measures
Identify workplace hazards and hierarchy of controls
Set targets and objectives and plan accordingly
Prepare monitoring checklists to undertake workplace reviews
Investigate accidents and incidents, determine their cause and take appropriate action
Identify and manage human factors involved in the reasons behind accidents and occupational ill health
Introduction to Facilities Management
MCP’s Introduction to Facilities Management (Hard FM) has been utilised for those wishing to gain an improved understanding of facilities maintenance, management responsibilities and facilities management best practice.
This course would be of interest to Administrators, Technicians or Managers who have been given the added responsibility of managing their facility maintenance activities or Facility Managers who need to gain an improved understanding of the current mechanical and electrical systems and building fabric for which they are responsible. Some of the benefits of this course are:
An improved knowledge of Facilities Management, focusing on ‘Hard FM’ practices
An understanding of how FM is managed by leading organisations and the options open to you
The ability to develop FM strategies and plans for use in the workplace
Maintenance Explained
We designed this course to help Technicians, Managers, Engineers, Production Supervisors and Planners to be able to understand the principles of maintenance management with a view to improving plant performance and ultimately reduce cost.
By applying these tools and techniques, the participants will be able to assist your organisation to:
Identify good maintenance management practices and be confident to Implement them in the workplace
Reduce maintenance costs as a consequence of doing the ‘right’ things
Improve equipment reliability
Understand the benefits of doing the ‘right’ maintenance
How to Reduce Down Time
Maintainability is the ease of repairing equipment and can be measured in terms of repair time, downtime, man-hours and costs. There are a number of metrics such as MTTR, Mmax, Mean Downtime, Repair Index.
The Reducing Down Time and Repair Times programme was devised to look at a number of techniques to reduce the time to repair, perform PM and to achieve the ease of maintenance and thus reducing downtime. The benefits of this programme are to understand:
The techniques to reduce downtime and thus improve availability
Different metrics to support improved KPI reporting
Factors to make maintenance easier
Increased throughput